
Primitives are unstyled—and compatible with any styling solution—giving you complete control over styling.

Styling overview

Functional styles

You are in control of all aspects of styling, including functional styles. For example—by default—a Dialog Overlay won't cover the entire viewport. You're responsible for adding those styles, plus any presentation styles.


All components and their parts accept a className prop. This class will be passed through to the DOM element. You can use it in CSS as expected.

Data attributes

When components are stateful, their state will be exposed in a data-state attribute. For example, when an Accordion Item is opened, it includes a data-state="open" attribute.

Styling with CSS

Styling a part

You can style a component part by targeting the className that you provide.

import * as React from "react";
import * as Accordion from "@tealess/accordion";
import "./styles.css";
const AccordionDemo = () => (
<Accordion.Item className="AccordionItem" value="item-1" />
{/* … */}
export default AccordionDemo;

Styling a state

You can style a component state by targeting its data-state attribute.

.AccordionItem {
border-bottom: 1px solid gainsboro;
.AccordionItem[data-state="open"] {
border-bottom-width: 2px;

Styling with CSS-in-JS

The examples below are using Stitches, but you can use any CSS-in-JS library of your choice.

Styling a part

You can style a component part by wrapping it in a styled function (or equivalent).

import * as React from "react";
import * as Accordion from "@tealess/accordion";
import { styled } from "@stitches/react";
const StyledItem = styled(Accordion.Item, {
borderBottom: "1px solid gainsboro",
const AccordionDemo = () => (
<StyledItem value="item-1" />
{/* … */}
export default AccordionDemo;

Styling a state

You can style a component state by targeting its data-state attribute.

import { styled } from "@stitches/react";
import * as Accordion from "@tealess/accordion";
const StyledItem = styled(Accordion.Item, {
borderBottom: "1px solid gainsboro",
"&[data-state=open]": {
borderBottomWidth: "2px",

Extending a primitive

Extending a primitive is done the same way you extend any React component.

import * as React from "react";
import * as AccordionPrimitive from "@tealess/accordion";
const AccordionItem = React.forwardRef<React.ElementRef<typeof AccordionPrimitive.Item>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof AccordionPrimitive.Item>>(
(props, forwardedRef) => <AccordionPrimitive.Item {...props} ref={forwardedRef} />
AccordionItem.displayName = "AccordionItem";


Primitives were designed to encapsulate accessibility concerns and other complex functionalities, while ensuring you retain complete control over styling.

For convenience, stateful components include a data-state attribute.